12/20/2023. Due to illness, I’ve had to take a hiatus from my shop. Effective today, I will not be able to accept any requests for readings or collaborations. I apologize for any inconvenience, and I hope to be active again soon in the new year.

Please email at me if you would like me to do a book reading or other collaboration.


12/20/2023. Due to illness, I’ve had to take a hiatus from my shop. Effective today, I will not be able to accept requests for consultation. I apologize for any inconvenience, and I hope to be active again soon in the new year.

Do you want help writing more effectively?

I can help you draft a resume (digital or traditional), start a blog, write a review, caption photographs, spiff up your posts, or edit your book. I can also help you express yourself clearly and concisely in grant applications, summaries of technical information, reviews, and treatises.

After many years in technical and creative writing, I have learned to write in many styles. I’d be delighted to engage a group of people learning to write poetry, caption photographs, assemble a grant package, or work with a coaltion helping students learn to express themselves in any format including work queries and resumes. Let my experience help make words work for you!

Email me at to discuss your project.

A note: this service is not copyediting or proofreading, but is consultation and coaching in the art of writing. I will help you to develop as a writer and to produce your own content tailored to your audience—to communicate clearly and concisely the information you need to provide to produce a desired result.

For more information about my skills and experience as a professional writer, please see my profile at LinkedIn: